De mortuis nil nisi bonum (about the dead, only good)
These pages contain an honest and sincere effort to celebrate the memory of my relatives. Though care has been taken to ensure that nothing presented here is insulting to others or contains any intellectual property entanglements, if you feel that your rights were in any way violated, please contact us as detailed below and we will do our best to resolve any grievance you may have.
Copyright and Licensing
The Zodians on the Web by Andrei Zodian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://contact.zodian.net. Some materials created by third parties are made available under the fair use, fair dealing or fair comment clauses of intellectual property legislation in various jurisdictions; any other use of these materials outside the context of this website may constitute infringement. All trademarks and copyrights owned by third parties belong to their respective owners; all original content by Andrei Zodian found on this website is licensed under the aforementioned CC license.
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Please contact Andrei.